The story behind
Mobile Monastery
Dreams and practicality
Hi, I’m Leslie, founder of Mobile Monastery.
Ever since I was a teen, I’ve felt closest to God when enjoying the outdoors. I pursued that passion into college, minoring in outdoor leadership. I had various opportunities to work at camps and retreats during ministry jobs in my home state of Oregon, as well as Washington and Colorado. Every experience fed my soul and convinced me even more that helping others get outside with Jesus was something I wanted to keep pursuing.
Fast forward to my current job as systems manager at Africa New Life Ministries, where I am provided with two prayer days a year (!). I would usually save up those days for the nice weather season and soak up God’s presence in a favorite park. However, I always wished for more time, more privacy, quieter places, or the ability to go away overnight somewhere. While there are a small handful of retreat centers in the area, they usually wouldn’t work out for one reason or another.
Meanwhile, one big travel dream I had for years was owning a campervan. In 2023, that dream became reality.
One day, I put these ideas together. It has been remarkable how God has been in the details big and small of this journey. And now, I hope I have the honor of sharing this with you by providing a unique, truly restful, blessed opportunity for your own retreat with Jesus!